Looks like there's a rainstorm today. It was raining super hard this morning. Stupid rain woke me up from my sleep. ><
Anywho, I just checked the weather online, and it says there's going to be a thunderstorm on Monday. Last night when I checked it, it said on Sunday too. I guess it changed to just showers. Have I ever told you that I love storms? Lol. I'm used to thunder, but lightning scares me. o-o
I especially love the storms at night because we may have a chance of a blackout. Oh how I love blackouts. But it sucks 'cause no TV! D: I remember this one time, it was night, and we had a party during a blackout. Luckily, my dad has this generator thing, so there was some light. All of the adults were in the backyard, eating, drinking, and just talking and stuff, and all the little kids were inside playing hide and seek in the dark. Woo.
And I've noticed, there hasn't been any roleplays going on anymore. :p I would post another roleplay, I mean, if I had an idea. xD
I guess that's all I'll type, since I don't want to add anything else.
Sat Jun 04, 2011 12:52 pm by 2Xemnas2