Hey you guys. Rattie here again with another blog post!
So earlier today, I was on my laptop, a red Dell XPS, doing what I normally do on it. Few minutes later, it just shuts off. So I try to turn it on again, and it wouldn't at all. It was plugged into the charger too! The battery was still okay and everything! I guess I might have overloaded it with my music and pictures and stuff.... So now all of my Therpz related stuff and other things are gone... It sucks, I know...but the computer was getting old anyway. It was a Christmas present in 2007, and it's went through a lot. Try being dropped once and the screen being completely damaged. It was repaired and worked great, until today. So, I'm also stuck using a desktop from now on, until I tell my parents and suggest an iMac. >=D lol
In other news, I'm doing alright. Recovering from a loss of two friends at school due to expulsion. (No none of TRR were expelled.) Because of this loss, I have had to learn so many more things on the guitar. You see, they were the Lead Guitarist/Pianist/Bassist, and Drummer of a club I'm in at school. So, I'm learning the riffs and stuff for these songs that we're performing for a concert the club's gonna have. The numerous projects due are gonna be due soon, so that means even MORE absence from the internet! Like the dead laptop wasn't enough...
However, I think having no access to a computer in my room is a good thing. Now I'll be able to focus more on my studies and other stuff. =D Maybe I can get rid of my bad habit of procrastinating! Like...I'm doing right now.... -_-
Well you guys, that's all for now. I've got quite a bit of stuff to do right now, so I'll talk to ya later! Bai!
Mon Feb 28, 2011 4:33 pm by Caseroos